Clent ultrafast broadband update – Action needed
Clent Parish Council has taken the lead on behalf of all homes and businesses in Clent to upgrade the Parish to ultrafast broadband.
This is a scheme jointly funded by central Government and Worcester County Council (WCC). A total of 401 premises have been registered with Openreach. By mid-January 2021 Openreach should have provided indicative costings and the process should be complete by the end of March 2021. Once complete Openreach will start work which should take about 12 months.
Each home/business must confirm if it wants to take part in the scheme.
You will also need to provide your name, telephone number, e-mail address and state whether you are a business or not. If you agree to be upgraded, you must take out a minimum 12-month contract with a broadband supplier of your choice which provides Fibre To The Premises (FTTP) broadband contracts. If you are with a supplier which does not provide FTTP contracts you will need to change suppliers. The cost of FTTP contracts are not very different to non-FTTP contracts. The package must be at least 30 MBs download or faster and at least double your current download speed. You can check your download speed with
Your existing copper line will be retained should you wish to revert to a non-FTTP contract after your FTTP contract has ended.
Every home is eligible for a £3000 grant and every business for a £7000 grant from WCC. If sufficient premises take part in the scheme it is very probable that the Parish will be upgraded at no cost to any household or business.
All premises will need to respond to an e-mail from the UK Government confirming their interest. This allows Openreach to receive your voucher funding when it builds your infra-structure.
In due course all homes and businesses in Clent will be leafletted explaining the scheme in greater detail. Please read this and sign up, when the time comes, to the scheme.
Finally, this broadband upgrade will digitally future proof your home and business and will increase their value.
Please spread the word amongst neighbours and friends. Updates will be posted on Clent Village Residents Facebook, Clent Parish Council website and village noticeboards. You can also contact Councillor Andrew Beaumont for more information (tel: 01562 887750 or 07899 707238 or e-mail: